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                         9.1 Main <Alt-M>

     Create          Allows you to create a new message in the current
                     folder. You will be prompted for the destination
                     (user name and possibly a network address),
                     subject, etc.

     Kill            Removes the currently displayed message. FM will
                     confirm that you really want to remove the

     Reply           Similar to the CREATE function. The destination
                     of the newly created message, however, is taken
                     from the sender of the message you are replying
                     to. This function also allows you to quote the
                     original message, in whole, or selected parts.

     Netmail reply   Similar to the REPLY function. If you are in a
                     Local or EchoMail folder, your message (the
                     reply) will be placed into the NetMail folder.
                     The destination address of the message is taken
                     from either the origin line (EchoMail folders) or
                     the sender's name (Local folders).

     Reply comment   Similar to the REPLY function. It allows you to
                     create a follow-up message with additional
                     comments to the same destination as the original

                     This function is not available in the
                     noncommercial version.

     Forward         This function allows you to redirect a message to
                     someone else. It will also insert some additional
                     information at the top of the message, showing
                     who the message was originally from, etc. You can
                     choose whether or not you want to overwrite the
                     original message with the forwarded message.

                     <Alt-L> will also add the default message status
                     to the message and remove the Rcvd and Sent
                     status bits if they were set.

     Folders         Allows you to change the active folder. You
                     cannot change to another folder while editing a
                     message, but you can view the folder list. The
                     type of each folder is shown as 'E' for EchoMail,
                     'L' for Local and 'M' for NetMail.

                     The commercial version allows you to configure
                     any folder with NetMail status, the type will
                     then be displayed as 'N'.

                     To select a folder, you can use the arrow keys to
                     move the highlight bar and then press <Enter>.
                     You can also type the number of the folder
                     followed by pressing <Enter>.

     Folder scan     Scans all folders and indicates which folders
                     have any message number higher than the last read
                     message. Typically, this means that new messages
                     have arrived in a folder since you last accessed

     DOS shell       Invokes a temporary DOS shell. Type EXIT and
                     press <Enter> to return to FM.

     Quit            Returns you to DOS or to FD, depending on how FM
                     was invoked. If you are editing a message, you
                     will be asked whether or not you wish to save it
                     before exiting.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson